星期六, 12月 01, 2007

Let the angel's commit

即使只睡了5個小時, 我也毫無一絲倦意, 因為一早就被感動流淚, 精神可好得勒!

昨天中午先在信義威秀看了1部很棒的俄國電影, 接著衝到三越南西店將手上的禮券兌換掉(結果那東西還被嫌醜..哈哈), 再跟好友J到整修後的茶餐廳吃晚餐、逛SOGO、吃Double Rainbow, 然後再回到信義威秀看另一部法國片, 回到家已2點....


今天天氣好好, 捨不得賴床, 起床後索性將DVD拿出來看, 結果一感動到哭, 心情卻是很輕鬆快樂....不曉得為什麼? 一大早就流眼淚...因為那段劇情 那句話 觸動影響了我..承諾是需要努力和犧牲的.

There are times when ever the best of us have trouble with commitment.

And we may be surprised by the commitments we are willing to let slip out of our grasp.

Commitments are complicated.

We may surprise ourselves by the commitments we're willing to make.

True commitment takes effort, and sacrifice, which is why, sometimes....

we have to learn the hard way to choose our commitments very carefully.
.... By Grey's Anatomy
